Season ends with a bang

~~ Rays 8, Yankees 7 ~~

For the Rays, who swept the Yankees and are going to the post-season. They will be playing the Texas Rangers. Yankees will be playing the Detroit Tigers.

This was a crazy game, by the 5th inning the Yankees had scored 7 runs. The Rays didn’t even start scoring until the 8th inning. Then they tied it on the last strike of the ninth inning. Extra innings and a home run to score it. Before this happened, the Baltimore Orioles had come from behind to win their game in the 9th inning. This knocked the Red Sox out of the playoffs. In the National League, Atlanta was 1 strike away from winning their game, and lost it. I’m only sorry about that because my friend Gersh is a Braves fan, other than that, I hate the Braves. Almost as much as I hate the Red Sox.

Mark Teixeira hit home runs 38 and 39, bringing the total of my Harlem RBI donation to $585 for the regular season. I plan to continue making donations into the post season. Andruw Jones also hit a home run.

Nunez has a grand total of 20 errors for the season.

Pretty sure this blog post sucks. But I’m too tired to think right now. See you in the post-season.

~~ Questo è tutto, dice la principessa ~~ Wednesday, September 28, 2011 😛